Our library of resources is under construction. Please contact info@isghealth.org with any questions.

Our work

What we do

Guided by our core values, we fulfill our mission by promoting best practices, amplifying advocacy, establishing focused working groups and helping aligning the community through shared technical roadmaps.

Strategic Priorities:

The ISG annually sets annual thematic priorities for our work guided which fulfil the criteria representing our value proposition:

  • Cross-Cutting: The focus on cross-cutting priorities highlights their significance across diverse disease areas and “vertical” PSM functions.
  • Collaboration Need: Recognizing the pivotal role of inter-agency collaboration in driving progress.
  • Tactical Opportunity: Cleverly integrating technical initiatives with the long-term vision for Global Health PSM.
  • Gap in Support: By identifying areas currently lacking necessary support from other PSM coalitions or organizations.

Engagement with PSM Community:

The ISG engages with the Global Health PSM community through:

1) direct collaboration on specific initiatives aligned to our priorities,

2) facilitation or amplifying advocacy efforts, and 

3) supporting the dissemination of key tools or insights.

For more information on how to get involved please reach out to info@isghealth.org

Steering Committee Members

Contact us

Please contact us for any collaboration or knowledge sharing opportunities.

We would particularly like to hear from government entities, academic institutions, implementing partners and community organisations looking to collaborate with donors.