Webinar: Introduction to the Digital Health Capability Models Navigator
Register to attend USAID event, which will take place on 10 November
Credit: Daljit Singh
On 10 November, 2021 USAID will host a webinar on the Navigator for Digital Health Capability Models. The navigator enables health systems planners, implementers, evaluators and funders to choose and use appropriate maturity model-based tools for specific contexts and purposes to improve digital health capabilities at the national and sub-national levels.
USAID’s Vision for Action in Digital Health recommends a coordinated assessment as an early and repeatable step to strategically align and inform digital health investments. The navigator builds on the value of independent maturity model-based assessment tools by providing guidance for their effective use to assess the current state of the enabling environment for digital health transformation. What’s more it helps stakeholders choose and use one or more maturity model-based tools that are most appropriate to the specific context and purpose of the assessment.
By attending this webinar, you will gain an understanding of what a navigator is, its components, how it works and how it can be used.
Adele Waugaman, USAID
Carl Leitner, World Health Organization
Carol Kamasaka, Ministry of Health, Uganda
Liz Millar, University of North Carolina
Manish Kumar, University of North Carolina
Vrunda Rathod, Digital Square at PATH
Register here.